
Simple Past Tense
I. Introduction Background
         In learning the english language, we would have to know the language aspects of supporting circuit.
         In this series is one of them is Tenses. Where tenses are form of the verb that indicates the time an action in the english sentence. For example, the past, present or future. English has three time sharing the past, present, and future. Based on the time division tense, formed three main group each specified again to indicate the action in a more spesific.
         We are familiar with english tenses, should be aware of the concept of the scheme. By mastering the various tenses, practice will greatly simplify the expression of will in writing and conversation
         Actually there are sixteen tenses, but in this presentation I will discuss only one of these tenses, are simple past tense.

II. Contents



          Simple past tense is the sentences that talking about the past are arranged in simple. Simple past tense forms can be used, among other :
- To talk about an action or situation that occurred in the past.
   For example : I went to Tanjung Balai yesterday.
- To say an action that occurred after another action.
   For example : Last monday, I met ma'am R.Sitorus and paid the school fee.
- To declare that an event or action as been completed in the past.
   For example : I drank three glasses of tea last night


          In verbal or has a verb, can be formulated as follows :

     (+) S + V2 + O/c     (-)  S + did + not + V1 + O/c     (?) *yes/no Question : Did + S + V1 + O/c          *wh/h Question : Wh/h + did + S + V1 + O/c
          In nominal or does not have a verb, can be formulated as follows :     (+) S + Was/Were + O/c     (-)  S + Was/Were + not + O/c     (?) *yes/no Question : Was/Were + S + O/c          *wh/h Question : Wh/h + Was/Were + S + O/c

    (-)  Ita did not study english for two hours last night
    (?) Did Ita study english for two hours last night ?
2. (+) Many people liked apples because it has been believed to improve health

    (-)  Many people did not like apples because it has been believed to improve health
    (?)  Did many people like apples because it has been believed to improve health ?
3. (+) My mother bought this vegetables in the market this morning

    (-)  My mother did not buy this vegetables in the market this morning
    (?)  Did my mother buy this vegetables in the market this morning ?
4. (+) The name of  the place was Catano 

    (-)  The name of the place was not Catano
    (?) Was the name of the place Catano ?
5. (+) Karmila and Zahar were sick two days ago

    (-)  Karmila and Zahar were not sick two days ago
    (?)  Were Karmila and Zahar sick two days ago ?

III. Conclusion Summary Sugestion
1. (+) Ita studied english for two hours last night
          Simple past tense is the sentences that talking about the past. Formula commonly used in make the simple past tense there are verbal or have a verb and and nominal or no verb. To make the sentences of simple past tense, should be used in a positive sentences verb second form, while for negative sentences and interogative sentence verbs forms used first.
          In order to understand how to make the simple past tense sentences, we should know the formula in the simple past tense and know the first and second verb forms. 

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